If it’s time for a move, you want to get the most that you can from the sale of your existing home. Davie homes for sale aren’t unique. There are some tips that apply to every home, and here are the five most important.
1. Price it Right
If you need a quick sale, find out what your home is worth (the market value) and reduce that number by 15-20%. You’ll have a storm of buyers looking at your home and sometimes you’ll end up in a bidding war that could end up with a final sales price over what the home is worth.
If you’re not in a real hurry, or you don’t have the courage to risk setting a price below market value, you still need to price your home right. Most people are very proud of their home and put a lot of value on the work that they have done to it. This could result in your thinking that your home is worth more than the market will bear. Look at Davie homes for sale that are comparable to your Davie home before you make a final decision on price.
Experience has shown that an overpriced home stays on the market longer and has fewer showings. At some point it becomes “stale.” People assume there must be something wrong with the home because it’s not selling. The final result is often that the home’s final sale price is below market value, meaning that the seller would have sold the home sooner and at a better price if they’d set a realistic price at the beginning.
2. Remove Off-Season Clothes from Closets
Every Davie home buyer is concerned with having enough storage. If you can get your closets to the point where they’re half-full, buyers will have the impression that the house has a lot of storage. It’s similar to the concept that light colored walls makes rooms seem larger. If every closet in the house is overflowing, you can be sure buyers will walk away with the impression that your house doesn’t have enough storage.
3. Do the Quick Fixes that will Result in a Higher Sales Price
Are the walls a bit faded? Are you in love with the purple wall in the living room, but your agent has requested that you replace it with a neutral color? Do you have curtains that haven’t been replaced since the dog chewed them? Have you successfully avoided clearing out the basement, porch, or spare room? Would the kitchen cabinets look new with a coat of paint and new handles?
These are all quick fixes that you should definitely devote the time and money to accomplish before putting your home on the market. However, beware of overdoing it. In most cases, you won’t see the cost of a major renovation being reflected in the final sale price of your home. Just making your home look bright and cheery is the key.
4. Help Potential Buyers Imagine Living in Your House
People buying a new home often make their decision to buy based on the answer to one question: Can I imagine my family living in this house?
You can help buyers answer “Yes” to that question more often than not if you make your house less homey as you define it. Put away the family photos, your coin collection display, your treadmill in the living room and any large furniture that makes rooms look small. Make it easy for a buyer to imagine how they would use each room in the house.
5. Keep Your Home Looking Like a Model Home
This can be the most difficult thing you’ll need to do to get the most out of your home sale. Buyers won’t think kindly of a kitchen with dirty dishes in the sink. If the windows are dirty, or the rooms are dusty, you’ll be losing your best opportunity to sell your home. Put effort into keeping your home ready for a showing at a moment’s notice.
Are you planning to put your house on the market? We’d be glad to share other tips for a successful sale. Call us at 954-242-8030 or send us an email to discuss your specific needs.