If you’re a parent in Davie or anywhere in Broward County, or just about anywhere else, you’re probably facing the challenge of keeping your kids busy while schools are closed. Here’s some information that will help.

Broward County Schools are Closed

But, I’m sure you already know that. Due to the coronavirus, schools in Broward County will remain closed through April 15, 2020. You can get more information on the Broward County Schools website. That page also contains information about food and nutrition services for students and families, which has been extended until April 15.

Grab-and-go meal service was available in nine locations, but will be expanded to 47 locations from March 30 to April 15, 2020. You can open a PDF file that lists all the locations.

Learning Continues

Broward County Schools provides continuing education opportunities for students that are appropriate to their grade level. You can also download a free copy of Microsoft Office Suite if you need that software to let your children use the educational tools on a device that doesn’t already have it installed.

Set Up a Routine for Your Children

Being out of school for such an extended time is a new experience for children and parents. It’s a good idea to set up a routine for your children to help them know what to expect during this time.

You can set up a daily schedule that includes both study times and play times. It may seem weird to set up a schedule for days at home, but kids need structure. While they’re home, you’re the only one who can provide it. There are resources online that can help you figure out how to create that schedule. That page also has some ideas about online educational websites and suggestions on fun ways to stay busy, too.

Find Unique Things for Kids to Do

There are all kinds of things you can use to keep your kids active during this time at home. Here are some of my favorites.

The internet is a treasure trove of ideas. You could start with this Forbes article that lists 110 things to keep your kids busy.

Family time is good. But, everyone is feeling the pain from so much enforced togetherness. Don’t let your kids get bored by giving them structure, and finding new ways to have fun as a family.


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