If you’re looking at Davie real estate, you might wonder what type of things there are to do in Davie in the fall. A visit to the Flamingo Road Nursery should definitely be on your list of things to do for fall fun.

Flamingo Road Nursery Overview

It might seem strange to visit a plant nursery for anything more than buying plants for your home. But, in the case of Flamingo Road Nursery, there’s always something going on.

The Nursery is located at 1655 South Flamingo Road in Davie, and they’re open form 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day. Jim Dezell, who has realized his dream of establishing a premiere garden center, is the owner. His Flamingo Road Nursery has won many local awards and the garden center industry has awarded him national recognition. The awards are probably due to the quality of the nursery stock, along with the variety of things they offer.

Café and Farmer’s Market

You’ll love the Beetle Juice at the Juice Bar. It’s a combination of apple, carrot, lemon and beets, thus the name. It’s just one of the fresh-squeezed juices and handcrafted smoothies you can choose from. You can have breakfast or lunch at the Café in air-conditioned comfort or in the garden seating area.

Local farmers contribute to the year-round Farmer’s Market. There’s always an abundance of greens, vegetables, and tropical fruits, depending on the season. If you like fresh bread or Amish jams and jellies, the Country Market is for you. People looking for no-sugar-added products really enjoy the wide selection the Market offers.

Professionally-Grown Plants

You can make your yard a showplace with the variety of plants the Nursery stocks. They even have plant experts that can help with design ideas about the right plants and color combinations that will be eye-catching in any yard.

If you don’t have a green thumb, you don’t need to worry. The Nursery can deliver and install your purchases, along with whatever mulch, rocks or other materials you need to make your yard dreams come true. You can also pick up a houseplant or two while you’re there.

Flamingo Road NurseryHave you ever wanted an exotic plant to grace your home or yard? Take a look at the bonsai and orchids. Bonsai come in varying sizes and include fruit, flowering, and classic bonsai trees. Not sure if you can care for them? You’ll find all the materials and techniques you need when you talk to one of the  Nursery’s experts. And, you can stop by the monthly bonsai workshops to learn how to grow your own bonsai.

Another popular destination is the Butterfly Plant department. Since monarch butterflies live in Florida year-round, many people love to find the right plants to help both caterpillars and butterflies find a home in the yard.

Garden Products

Need a gift or something to brighten up your garden? The Gift shop holds over 5,000 square feet of decorations for the garden. Choosing a wind chime from their stock of 1,000 could be a challenge. Or, you may want to add a gnome, fountain, lighting, or furniture to your garden from their extensive collection.

If you’ve been thinking about adding some large pots to brighten up a small area, you’ll find an affordable collection at the Nursery. The experts in the Pottery Patch can help you find just the right pot, plants and potting soil to help you keep your potted plants alive and well.

The Fall Festival

If you aren’t chomping at the bit to get over to the Flamingo Road Nursery yet, the Fall Festival just might tempt you.

The Annual Fall Festival runs from September 20 to November 3, 2019. Each week is dedicated to a different aspect of fall gardening.

Besides the weekly focus, your family can enjoy the pumpkin patch, children’s craft and activity area, everything you need for outdoor fall decorations, and more. You can go on hayrides, paint a pumpkin or a pot, and wander the Kiddie Maze.

One other thing to keep in mind is that the Nursery stocks a huge forest of Fraser Firs that arrives before Thanksgiving. You can get a fresh tree for your holiday celebrations.

Davie – It’s a Wonderful Place to Live

If you’re looking for Realtors in Broward County, look no further than the experts on the Teri Arbogast Team. We’re local professionals who love the Davie area and can provide you with all the market information you need to find your next dream home or sell the one you now own. Call us at 954-242-8030 or send an email to learn how we can help you!


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