The School Year is About to Start!

Davie RealtorFor most homeowners in the Davie area, the first day of school for the coming year is right around the corner.  It’s always a challenge for the whole family to get back into a school routine.  Kids are challenged to reestablish a routine for doing homework after a summer off.  Here are some tips for creating a homework station that your kids will enjoy.

Find a place where your kids can devote their attention to homework.  If you can create a dedicated homework spot, you’re going to be ahead of the game.

  1. Give your kids a desk surface with plenty of room to spread out. If there isn’t enough room for a couple schoolbooks and a computer or writing tablet, for example, it will be difficult for your child to use the space.
  2. Make sure chairs are comfortable. You may need an adjustable height chair until your children are tall enough to use a regular desk.  If that’s the case, look for a foot stool that will let them rest their feet until they reach the floor.
  3. Make sure there’s good lighting. Some kids prefer to have natural light at their workspace, so placing the homework station near a window is key.  Other kids would prefer a very private space away from distractions.  For those kids, make sure there is adequate task lighting.
  4. Put a calendar front and center. A large wall calendar is handy for kids to use to track when assignments are due.  It’s much more difficult to wait until the last minute when everyone can see when that science project needs to be completed.
  5. Kids will have cords. Come up with a good way to organize cords for their computers, mobile phones, speakers, etc.  The cardboard core of a paper towel roll provides an inexpensive way to keep cords untangled.
  6. Add desktop storage. Come up with ways to keep your child’s desktop as clear of clutter as possible.  Pen and pencil holders from the office supply will keep writing implements handy.  You can also use a mug from the kitchen to serve the same purpose.
  7. Consider a homework lazy susan to hold containers of supplies like pens, pencils, scissors, glue, markers and more. Everything will be within easy reach.
  8. Find a way to store backpacks. A hook on the wall for a backpack will help your kids keep track of it.  You could also put a hook on the side of the desktop to keep backpacks close at hand.
  9. Provide organization tools. How does your child like to organize things?  Would they be happier with clips on the wall for hanging assignments they’re working on?  Would they prefer to have bookshelves with in/out boxes?  Can you reduce the weight of their backpacks by providing storage bins for homework and test papers they’ll need for each subject to study for final exams?
  10. No room for a dedicated space? Create a portable homework station.  You can use a crafter’s caddy, a homework box or a plastic container with a lid – anything that will hold homework school supplies and can be used at the kitchen table, the couch or grandma’s house.

Make the Homework Station a Kid-Friendly Spot

Finally, let your inner child run free when decorating.  And, consult your children about their preferences.  Would they be happier with bright, fun colors, or feel more studious with a neutral palette?

If the homework station is in general family space such as the kitchen, you’ll have to make some compromises to make the space blend in with your interior design.  But, if you’re setting something up in your child’s room or the attic or a separate “homework room,” be sure to create a space where your kids will be motivated to spend some quality time.

If you’re finding that you’re out of room, you need to talk to a Davie REALTOR®.  You can trust Teri’s Real Estate Team to provide you with the professional and personal service that will make finding your next home, or selling your current one, a positive experience!  Call us at 954-242-8030 or send an email for more information.




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